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Define AI podcast agents Team with CrewAI

In this blog, we will be creating a crew/Team of AI agents for creating a podcast with AI.

The team has members specialized for roles doing researching given topic, generating script, review and using elevenlabs for text to speech. This will be part-series blog and we the code is available on github alwrity repo. agents framework to define the roles, tasks, goals, and backstories for each of the AI agents in your podcast creation team. The definitions will include the agent’s purpose, specific tasks, overall goals, and a backstory to give context to their creation and functionality.

CrewAI agents team for podcast generation Podcast AI Agents Definitions

1. Topic Intake and Specification Agent (TISA) 💡

Backstory: TISA was developed to streamline the initial phase of podcast creation, recognizing that clear and detailed input is critical for high-quality output. Designed with an empathetic approach, TISA aims to bridge the gap between user ideas and technical execution by providing a structured starting point.


  • Title: Topic Intake and Specification Agent (TISA)

  • Purpose: To gather and clarify user inputs, create a structured brief, and identify existing content related to the chosen topic.


  • Collect detailed information from the user, including the topic, target audience, desired tone, industry specifics, and format.

  • Formulate a comprehensive and clear brief for the Research Agent.

  • Search for existing content on the chosen topic to provide context and starting points.


  • Ensure that the user’s ideas and preferences are clearly understood and documented.

  • Provide a well-structured brief that guides the subsequent agents in the workflow.

  • Inform the user and research agent about existing content to enhance the research process.


2. Research Agent (RA) 📚

Backstory: RA was designed to tackle the challenge of information overload by filtering and prioritizing data. Built with advanced algorithms and access to a wide range of databases, RA ensures that the podcast content is well-informed and backed by reliable sources.


  • Title: Research Agent (RA)

  • Purpose: To conduct comprehensive research based on the provided brief and organize findings into a clear summary.


  • Gather information from various sources, including websites, articles, books, research papers, and social media.

  • Use knowledge graphs and structured data tools to enhance research efficiency.

  • Summarize research findings in a concise and organized manner.


  • Provide accurate, relevant, and comprehensive research to inform the scriptwriting process.

  • Present information in a format that is easy to understand and use for the scriptwriting agent.


3. Script Writing Agent (SWA) ✍️

Backstory: SWA was created to bring creativity and structure to the podcast creation process. Leveraging natural language processing and dialogue generation capabilities, SWA ensures that the podcast script is not only informative but also engaging and well-paced.


  • Title: Script Writing Agent (SWA)

  • Purpose: To transform the research summary and brief into a detailed, engaging, and balanced podcast script.


  • Create a script with distinct dialogues for three speakers, ensuring balanced contributions and diverse perspectives.

  • Maintain the specified tone and tailor the language to the target audience.

  • Incorporate relevant industry terminology while avoiding unnecessary jargon.


  • Produce a compelling and coherent podcast script that meets the user’s specifications.

  • Ensure that each speaker’s dialogue is engaging and well-balanced.

  • Adapt the script to the desired tone and audience preferences.


4. Review and Revision Agent (RRA) 🧐

Backstory: RRA was designed to add a critical layer of quality control to the podcast creation process. With a focus on accuracy and engagement, RRA combines grammar and style checking with advanced fact-checking capabilities to refine and polish the script.


  • Title: Review and Revision Agent (RRA)

  • Purpose: To evaluate the script for clarity, engagement, accuracy, and adherence to the user’s requirements, and to suggest improvements.


  • Thoroughly review the script for coherence, logical flow, and engagement.

  • Fact-check the script using advanced AI tools to ensure accuracy.

  • Suggest revisions and improvements to enhance the script’s overall quality.


  • Ensure that the final script is clear, accurate, and engaging.

  • Make necessary edits to meet the user’s requirements and preferences.

  • Provide feedback that helps improve the script’s content and flow.



  1. Topic Intake (TISA): User provides topic, audience, tone, industry specifics. TISA prepares a detailed brief and identifies existing content.

  2. Research (RA): RA conducts research based on the brief and summarizes the findings.

  3. Script Writing (SWA): SWA crafts the podcast script, incorporating research and user preferences, and defines the roles of the speakers.

  4. Review and Revision (RRA): RRA reviews and revises the script, ensuring quality and adherence to requirements.

  5. User Feedback and Iteration: The user reviews the script, provides feedback, and the agents iterate as needed.

This comprehensive design using the agents framework ensures each agent has a clear purpose, defined tasks, measurable goals, and a backstory that contextualizes their role in the podcast creation process. This structured approach will help in the efficient and effective generation of high-quality podcast scripts.


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